
Michelle Lazur Portrait Photographer in Ligonier, PA

Invest in Portraiture

I believe custom portraiture is one of the best investments one can make for their self, their family, their fur babies, their business and for their legacy. Hiring a professional photographer to create timeless, heirloom pieces of art to adorn your home and to be passed down generation after generation documents your heritage.

Yes, you may have hundreds, if not thousands, of “snapshots” floating around in a “cloud” somewhere, but the treasured prints and wall-sized portraits are what your family will cherish and protect forever. They are what families take first when disaster threatens. They are the most treasured possessions, and rightly so. If you take away “clouds” and someday-obsolete CD’s, USBs, hard drives, and the like, what will you have left? Where will all those snapshots taken with your phone or your cousin’s nice camera be?

The investment in hiring a professional photographer can be a shock the first time and for those that do not value professional photography, the talent and years of experience, and let’s not even mention the thousands and thousands of dollars of equipment, or the cost of doing business that a professional photographer brings to the table. Likely, nor do they understand archival, heirloom-quality professional-lab prints versus box-store gift prints.

It’s like eating at McDonald’s vs. eating at Morton’s. Each has their place and each their followers and fans. You cannot expect a Morton steak at McDonald’s prices. You may not even be one to appreciate or want a Morton steak or the experience of dining there. The same can be said for a bicycle vs. a Mercedes–both will get you from point A to B, but how would you like to arrive?

If you appreciate art, photography, and heirloom products, you’ll invest in the experience and create a legacy with a professional, full-service photographer.

Invest in yourself, your family, your legacy.

I work with families and businesses to create treasured heirloom pieces that will fill the walls of homes and offices.

I look forward to working together to create these pieces for you.

-Michelle Lazur

Sessions & Retainer Fees

Portraiture sessions cover a variety of photography types, including:
beauty/glamour, family, maternity, engagement, newborn, children, pets, head shots/personal branding and other general portraiture.

Session fees start at $99.00 and include a $49 credit toward print purchases.

A personalized session will be created just for you in my studio in Ligonier, Pennsylvania. From wardrobe, hair and makeup, and your fully-guided shoot, every detail is planned to create your dream photographs and a day you will treasure.

In-Person Reveal & Ordering Session

Two to three weeks following your session, we will have an in-person ordering session where you will view your professionally-edited images (chosen by me) and place your order for prints.
In the event we can not do an in-person ordering session, we will schedule a Skype reveal/ordering session.

Images are sold separately and begin at $49.
A digital of each image you purchase at the size you purchase is included.

What you purchase is entirely up to you.
You purchase only the images you love.

Print packages start at $392.

Contact me today to discuss your session.

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